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Bosnia and Herzegovina
NEWS18 Oct 2017Jobs

Job Vacancies


Pursuant to Article 139, paragraph 3, of the Statute of the University of Banja Luka, the Senate of the University announces a





For narrow artistic field:

  1. Dramaturgy (scenario) (subjects: Theater and radio dramaturgy 1-8; Theater and radio dramaturgy 1 & 2; Dramaturgy 1-4; Theater and radio dramaturgy I & II) - 1 position

For narrow scientific fields:

  1. Ethnomusicology (subjects: Ethnomusicology - main subject 1-8; Ethnochoreology 1, 2; Ethnochoreology 1-8; Traditional musical instruments 5-8; Traditional folk singing 5-8; Music folklore 1,2; Ethnomusicology 1,2) - 1 position
  2. Architectural Technologies (Architectural structures, materials in architecture, installations in buildings, physics of buildings, construction technology and architectural constructive systems) (subjects:  Constructive systems; Construction structures 1; Construction structures 2) - 1 position
  3. Geodetic reference systems- 1 position
  4. Urbanism and spatial planning - 1 position
  5. Architectural design - 1 position
  6. Electronics and electronic systems – 1 position
  7. Social geography1 position
  8. Criminalistics tactics, methodic and operative (subjects: Criminal psychology; Juvenile delinquency) -  1 position
  9. Theoretical sociology 1 position
  10. Journalism – (subject: Radio – journalism) - 1 position
  11. Specific languages – English (subject: Modern English 5; Modern English 6; English morphology; Text analysis; Pragmalinguistics) – 1 position
  12. Methodology of classroom teaching (subject: Corrective gymnastics; Methodological basics of teaching physical education; Methods of Teaching Physical Education and Methods of Physical Education) – 1 position
  13. Planning of forests management – 1 position
  14. Hunting – 1 position




For narrow artistic field:

  1. Painting (subjects: Drawing 1 and 2; Drawing and painting 1 and 2; Painting 1,2,3,4; Painting electoral 1,2,3,4; Painting - methods of artistic expression 2; Evening Act 1,2,3,4,5,6) – 1 position



For narrow scientific fields:

  1. Ethnomusicology (subject: Ethnomusicology (main subject)  1-8; Traditional instruments 1-4; Traditional Singing 1-4; Applied ethnology 1-6) – 1 position
  2. Architectural design - 1 position
  3. General Electrotechnics – 2 positions
  4. Electronics and electronic systems – 1 position
  5. Automatics and robotics – 1 position
  6. Computer science – 1 position
  7. Accounting and auditing 1 position
  8. Actuaries– 1 position
  9. Production engineering (subjects: Machine tools, Production supported by computer; Processing systems; Flexible technology systems; Design of production systems) – 1 position
  10. Medical biochemistry – 1 position
  11. Physical chemistry; the science of polymers; electrochemistry (dry cells, batteries, fuel cells, corrosion of metals, electrolysis) – 1 position
  12. Microbiology, cell biology – 1 position
  13. Plants science, botany – 1 position
  14. Mathematical analysis and applications – 1 position
  15. Soil Science (subjects: Agrometeorology with climatology; Application of GIS in agriculture; Application of GIS in the management of land and water resources) – 1 position
  16. Criminal law and criminal procedural law – 1 position



  1. General conditions for the job application are as follows:
  • To be a citizen of the Republika Srpska or Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • To be Older than eighteen (18) years;
  • To have general health capacity;
  • That the applicant is not under the criminal procedure.


  1. Candidates for the selection under the I and II shall submit the following documents as proof of the fulfilment of the general conditions:
  • a certificate of citizenship;
  • birth certificate;
  • certificate of physical ability to work;
  • certificate that the applicant is not under the criminal procedure


1.3     Documents referred to in section 1.2 of the job vacancy are not applicable to candidates who are employed at the University of Banja Luka.



  1. Election for the positions of teachers and associates and the period of the employment of academic staff are regulated by the provisions of Articles 76-83 of Law on Higher Education („The Official Gazette of the Republika Srpska“, number 73/10, 104/11, 84/12, 108/13, 44/15 and 90/16).  

Candidates for selection of the scientific-teaching/artistic titles in the specific scientific/artistic field, with the application and evidence of compliance with general conditions, are required to submit the following documents:

Under the number I:

  • a certified copy or photocopy of the scientific degree of PhD or MSc degree or master degree for the required scientific / artistic field,
  • evidence of conferment (if previously selected),
  • a short biography and bibliography, as well as evidence of compliance with the conditions for election for the required title in accordance with Article 77 and 78 of the Law on Higher Education, as well as a copy of all of the mentioned in the bibliography.


Under the number II:

  • a certified copy or photocopy of the MSc degree, master degree or University degree in the required scientific/artistic field,
  • a short biography and bibliography, as well as evidence of compliance with the conditions for election for the required title in accordance with Article 77. and 78. of the Law on Higher Education, as well as a copy of all of the mentioned in the bibliography.



  • The employment contract will be concluded in accordance with Article 9, paragraph (8) of Regulations on Standards and Norms for the Financing of Public Higher Education Institutions („The Official Gazette of the Republika Srpska“, number: 84/14).
  • For work places for the selection of teachers under the following numbers: 5. "Urban planning and spatial planning" and 6. "Architectural design" with selected candidates will conclude an agreement on supplementary work;

Applications must be submitted within 15 days from the date of publication of the job vacancy.

Incomplete and late applications will not be taken into consideration.

Applications with these documents and evidence should be submitted to the following  addresses for jobs:



  • Under the ordinal # 1. & 2.   Academy of Arts, University City, 1A Vojvode Petra Bojovića Blvd. Banja Luka, 78 000
  • Under the ordinal # 3., 4., 5. &  6.   Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 77 Vojvode Stepe Stepanovića Blvd. Banja Luka, 78 000
  • Under the ordinal # 7. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Patre 5, Banja Luka, 78 000
  • Under the ordinal # 8. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, 2 Mladena Stojanovića, Banjaluka, 78000
  • Under the ordinal # 9. Faculty of Security Science, 10A Vojvode Živojina Mišića Blvd. Banja Luka, 78 000
  • Under the ordinal # 10. & 11. Faculty of Political Science, University City, 1A Vojvode Petra Bojovića Blvd. Banja Luka, 78 000
  • Under the ordinal # 12. Faculty of Philology, University City, 1A Vojvode Petra Bojovića Blvd. Banja Luka, 78 000
  • Under the ordinal # 13. Faculty of Philosophy, University City, 1A Vojvode Petra Bojovića Blvd. Banja Luka, 78 000
  • Under the ordinal # 14. & 15. Faculty of Forestry, 75a Vojvode Stepe Stepanovića Blvd. Banja Luka, 78 000


  • Under the ordinal # 1. & 2. Academy of Arts, University City, 1A Vojvode Petra Bojovića Blvd. Banja Luka, 78 000
  • Under the ordinal # 3. Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 77 Vojvode Stepe Stepanovića Blvd. Banja Luka, 78 000
  • Under the ordinal # 4.,5.,6., & 7. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Patre 5, Banja Luka, 78 000
  • Under the ordinal # 8. & 9. Faculty of Economics, Majke Jugovića 4, Banja Luka, 78000
  • Under the ordinal # 10.  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 71 Vojvode Stepe Stepanovića Blvd. Banja Luka, 78 000
  • Under the ordinal # 11.  Faculty of Medicine, Save Mrkalja 14, Banja Luka, 78000
  • Under the ordinal # 12.,13.,14., & 15. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Mladena Stojanovića 2, Banjaluka, 78000
  • Under the ordinal # 16. Faculty of Agriculture, University City, 1A Vojvode Petra Bojovića Blvd. Banja Luka, 78 000
  • Under the ordinal # 17. Faculty of Law, 77 Vojvode Stepe Stepanovića Blvd. Banja Luka, 78 000