Maternity leave
According to the labor laws in both entities (FBiH and RS) during pregnancy, birth-giving and child-care, a woman shall be entitled to maternity leave in the duration of one year without interruption, and for twins, third or any next child, the woman shall be entitled to maternity leave in the duration of 18 months without interruption.
Based on the findings of the certified medical doctor, a woman may start maternity leave 45 days before birth-giving, and mandatorily 28 days before birth-giving.
During use of maternity leave the employee shall be entitled to payment of salary in accordance with the law.
Prenatal Care
For women regarding family planning, during pregnancy, during delivery and duration of maternity leave, they are provided:
examinations and treatment by the gynecologist and midwife related to family planning, pregnancy (including prenatal period, childbirth and postpartum period), conditions that can cause complications of pregnancy, and termination of pregnancy for medical reasons,hospital treatment when medical is necessary and childbirth in a health institution, patronage visits and maternity care and routine nursing care by a nursing nurse, diagnosis and treatment of sterility, in vitro fertilization, more closely regulated by a special act of the Fund.
There are two options for prenatal care - seeing the doctors in the public system (in a clinic known as Dom Zdravlje or the hospital) or seeing a private obstetrician-gynecologist. Women are advised to have an ultrasound at least once a month for the entire pregnancy. There are two options women have when it comes to delivery, to go to their local public maternity hospital or one of the private hospitals located in Banja Luka or Pale.