Recognition of foreign higher education document is the process by which the document holder establishes a right of continuing education or employment. Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education (hereinafter CIP/CIR) is a unique administrative body holding the responsability for the process of recognition of qualifications for the territory of whole Bosnia and Herzegovina.
CIP/CIR cooperates with the following relevant institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, Federal Ministry of Education and Science, cantonal ministries of education, Department of Education in the Government of Brčko District of BiH, Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance, the Republic of Srpska Commission for Information and Recognition, and the higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Under the Framework Law on Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, CIP/CIR is in charge of:
information and recognition in higher education;
coordination and international exchange of members of academia, students, and programs in higher education;
representing Bosnia and Herzegovina in international projects in higher education; through the international network of information centres (ENIC/NARIC network), CIP/CIR provides information to the higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina on higher education institutions and programmes as the basis for recognition of degrees and diplomas for further education at higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it represents Bosnia and Herzegovina in those networks;
CIP provides information and opinion about foreign degrees and diplomas in Bosnia and Herzegovina in relation to the continuation of education at higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
it gives advice and information from its scope of activities to the parties with legitimate interest;
in accordance with the Lisbon Convention and its supporting documents, it makes recommendations concerning the recognition of diplomas obtained outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Ministry of the Republic of Srpska, cantonal ministries, and Brčko District of BiH aimed at finding employment, continuing education and exercising other rights stemming from the obtained qualification.