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Bosnia and Herzegovina
NEWS20 Jun 2017portal administrators

Training for administrators of the national EURAXESS portals


Members of Euraxess Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina have participated on Training for administrators of the national EURAXESS portals, that took place in Belgrade on 14-15. June 2017.The Centre was represented by Stamenko Mijatović, Borislav Štulić and Miroslav Malinović.

The main topics of the training were current status of the national portals in Euraxess member states, the role of Intrasoft in portal development, architecture of the national portals, advanced page layout, as well as digital marketing, open science online tools, RRI tools etc. Besides usual lectures, training was undertaken through workshops and active participation of all present participants. The current status of the portals was assessed through portal quality workshop, which in the end resulted, along with previous conclusions, with set of preparatory elements for future PA trainings, follow ups and commitments for further work.

The next training announced for autumn, and will take place in Tallinn, Estonia.


Belgrade, 14-15. June, 2017